Trying to recreate a
half remembered dream.
Born in Normandy and graduate of Gobelins in Paris, Clément Morin is a 3d artist fascinated by the imagination of childhood. In his creations, he explores the nostalgic gaze he has on this period of his life, mixing wandering, naivety, daydreaming and poetry. After directing several short films and working as a freelancer for many agencies, he directed 'Insignificant' from 2015 to 2019, a series in collaboration with the CNRS for Arte channel, which remains the most watched documentary on Arte Web to date. From 2021, his work finds a particular echo in the web 3.0, where his artworks are acquired by many digital collectors around the world. In 2023, after being part of the first digital auction in Sotheby's Paris, he's commissioned to create a massive piece to take over the space of La Samaritaine, a department stores in Paris.